Who are Modbury Caring?

Modbury Caring is a registered charity (charity registration number 1070237), which was formed in 1998 and is run by a voluntary management committee. Our aims are to provide befriending and transport services, benefitting people in need who live in the area covered by Modbury Health Centre.

The committee oversees the governance and strategy of Modbury Caring. The following people currently sit on the committee:

Bill Cole (Chair), Sue Cross (Secretary), Michael Tagent (Treasurer), Susan Rogers (Committee Member), David Trigger (Committee Member), Michael Young (Committee Member).


Our funding comes from members’ subscriptions and from donations; small grants from many parish councils and fund-raising events, including the “100 Club”, organising and taking part in fairs and fetes, street collections – and anything else we can think of!

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us for a copy of our latest Charity Report or Accounts or for any other reason please use the form below.

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